It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without giving thanks for my family. Even though ours was birthed in the most unlikely places, my husband Tim and I have forged a love strong enough to overcome a fiery start, an array of differences, and many faults. From a long distance relationship, a nervous engagement, and a colicky child; through dead ends, winding roads, financial hardships, and lonely nights; and finally to a settled assurance that we weren’t made for each other, we made each other better.

Tim completely complements me. I couldn’t be who I am without him. He makes me wiser and steadfast, where I lack insight or energy. He fills the gaps when I can’t. He cooks, I …well…hardly. His turkey to my pizza just doesn’t compare. I clean, he puts away. I wash, he folds. I speak, he listens…you get the drift. We’ve become the best of two completely different worlds. Who needs Mars and Venus, when we’ve got Earth?
I love you honey.
And who would we both be without our mini me’s? Our kids are our blessing. They give us someone to invest in, learn from, play with, laugh with, and be a kid again with. They are our prized possessions!
What about our extended family? Well, it’s obvious, we wouldn’t be where we are today without them. They just keep giving and giving, and making everything whole and complete.
So, before the aroma of baked turkey, pecan pie, and sweet potato squash abides, my heart goes out to my family. Thank you for making my life everything that it is.
May the love we’ve forged last through many generations